Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Homemade Remedies during Travel

It is a sad feeling to get sick during travel and at times there is nothing but natural elements which are closer to us than a pharmacy. Some of these tips may be helpful when travelling to remote places.
In between I would like to share some useful tips on Easy Remedies. Our ancestors were known to depend on myriad inhouse remedies using roots, leaves, flowers, fruits... Even today the methods are often used and may be helpful in the traditional way.
* Inhaling blue chamomile oil hels in de-stressing and is also useful for patients of high blood pressure.
* Mix olive oil/sunflower & lavender oil with blue chamomile and massage under the collarbone every night and this may give relief to people suffering from high blood pressure.
*Cloves of garlic help in lowering cholestrol and tryglyceride levels and also aids in blood circulation.
*A simple cough remedy: Mix 3 tbs. of lemon juice with 1 cup of honey, and a quarter cup of warm water. Take 1-2 tbs. whenever needed.
* Warm mustard oil and foment over the joint(couple of hours) for easing arthritic pain.

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